Document Type : Original Article


1 The Millennium Universal College Lahore

2 Law, Student, Ziauddin University (Faculty of Law, Politics & Governance)


This research article discusses the confluence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and international armed conflicts, focusing on the legal and ethical implications accruing from the use of such technologies in warfare. The growing militarization of AI by states has been highlighted in the article, which is evident from the development of AI powered Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Present-day use and the future evolution of AI into warfare pose risks due to its unpredictability, non-transparency, and biases. This paper touches upon the employment of AI technologies in the on-going Russia-Ukraine conflict. It further delves into the importance of AI governance and its ethical usage in warfare, underscoring the rising need for a balance between humanity and military necessity. This paper also argues for the expansion of the notion of individual criminal responsibility in cases involving use of AI in warfare.


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